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Behind the Scenes: The creation of Little Lofts

 A young child playing in a room filled with colorful, modular wooden dollhouses and toy cars. The dollhouses are pastel shades of purple, yellow, blue, and beige, with various levels and accessories, creating a playful and imaginative setting.

Today, I want to take you on a new journey in our "Behind the Scenes" series, where we share the story behind the creation of our Little Lofts. This modular dollhouse is not just any toy house; it is a tribute to the tropical shapes and culture of Indonesia and to the joy of double-sided play.

The inspiration for Little Lofts came quite naturally. We wanted to create something that not only appeals to the playful nature of children but also incorporates the beautiful, organic shapes of Indonesian architecture. Think of the soft arches, rounded lines, and airy structures that are so typical of Indonesian homes. We thought: why not combine this with the opportunity for children to play together, from different sides, at once? The result? A modular, stackable dollhouse that literally doubles the fun of play.

Bali tropical shapes

typical Bali front door

The shapes that primarily inspired us are the soft, rounded arches you find in almost every house. The oval shapes incorporated into the windows of the dollhouse are also based on those same gentle lines. This not only creates an aesthetically pleasing design but also enhances safety by completely avoiding sharp edges.

In this image, you can also clearly see where we drew our inspiration from. The soft, organic shapes are beautifully highlighted here, especially in the arches that we have integrated as passageways and doors in the dollhouse. This is how we bring that typical tropical architecture to life in a playful way!

Design: Double Fun with a Tropical Touch

The design of Little Lofts revolves entirely around modularity and accessibility. We wanted to create a dollhouse that children can approach from all sides. You know how it is: children fighting for the best spot to play?

Not anymore!

With Little Lofts, they can access the house from all sides, so there's no more arguing about who gets to play where. Each module of Little Lofts can be stacked, rotated, and combined to create unique play combinations. The rounded shapes ensure that it's safe for the little ones, without sharp edges or corners they could hurt themselves on.

But that's not all! We've made sure that no glue, screws, or nails are used - the entire system works with an ingenious click-and-slide design. This allows children to easily slide the modules together and adjust them without tools or help from an adult.

Moreover, we've ensured that each module is light enough to be easily moved by small hands, while still being sturdy enough to withstand bumps and knocks.

assembling the dollhouse

In this photo, you can see beautifully how children can assemble the modules themselves with our simple slide-and-click system. This system not only helps in building the dollhouse but also trains the fine motor skills of the little ones while they play. The stacking system is designed so that you can safely stack 4 to 5 modules on top of each other, without any danger. And best of all: the modules are light enough to easily move them around the house!

What a beautiful sight it is to see children playing together. This inspired a special design choice: a dollhouse with multiple play sides. This way, children can play together more easily and quickly, without getting in each other's way.

Production: Craftsmanship with a Heart for Children

The production process of Little Lofts is just as special as the design itself.

As with all our toys, each piece is handmade by our talented craftsmen.

We use natural materials, such as wood, which are not only sustainable but also safe for children. Every detail is carefully designed to ensure that Little Lofts is not only beautiful to look at, but also practical and safe to use.

The modular aspect of Little Lofts requires a precision that we can only achieve through a combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern techniques. Each piece must fit perfectly with the other modules, without being too tight or too loose. This means that we carefully test and adjust each dollhouse to ensure it meets our high standards for quality and safety.

But what makes this process truly special is that the children themselves were central to every phase of design and production. We wanted Little Lofts to be not only appealing to parents' eyes, but especially to the little ones who play with it. That's why we tested everything with children, from the click-and-slide system to the stacking system of the different modules. Their input has helped us fine-tune every aspect of Little Lofts to perfectly match what children like and need, making it truly the ultimate playhouse for hours of fun.

Quality Control: Children Have the Final Say

Before Little Lofts leaves the workshop, we have it tested by the best experts we know: children themselves.

We believe that if a product passes their approval, it's ready to go out into the world. Their honest, unfiltered feedback is essential to ensure that Little Lofts not only meets our expectations, but also those of the children who play with it.

During quality control, we pay attention to every detail: from the fit of the modules to the safety of the materials. We make sure that each dollhouse is sturdy enough for intensive play, but also flexible enough to grow with the child's imagination.

Little lofts shopping mall set

Little lofts tower

Conclusion: A Playhouse for Generations

And that's the story of Little Lofts – a tropically inspired dollhouse that is not only aesthetically beautiful, but also elevates children's play experience to a higher level. We hope that this unique toy becomes a favorite in many homes, lasting for generations.

With Little Lofts, we bring the world of tropical shapes and double play value to children's playrooms all over the world.

Thank you for following our journey! We can't wait to see how your little ones create their own stories with Little Lofts. Keep following us for more insights into the world of Toko for Kids and the magical creations we design especially for you. 🌟

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